
How to Check a Room for Spy Devices

How to Check a Room for Spy Devices

Just when you think spies and spy gadgets are a thing of fiction, surveillance technology invades your life in the form of cameras and listening devices in the most unexpected places. According to Bloomberg Businessweek in the article, "The State of Surveillance," Great Britain alone boasts four million surveillance cameras filming activities in parks, streets and government offices. If you believe you may be the target of hidden spy devices, there are ways to check the room in question without hiring expensive professional services.


    Manually Search the Room

        Unplug or disconnect all electrical items. Turn off any cell phones and wireless appliances, including your Internet connection. Turn out all of the lights to make the room as dark as possible.

        Look for red, green or white lights that should not be there; many spy devices feature LED lights. Turn the lights back on once your search is complete.

    3.Search the ceiling along the molding, in vents and smoke detectors, inside ceiling tiles and inside light fixtures for hidden cameras or listening devices.

    Look behind and within the frames and glass of artwork and photographs for cameras or listening devices. Search the base, frames and internal workings of clocks.

    Place your palm flat against any mirrors. Mirrors can be two-way, which means that they allow someone to watch you from the other side of the wall. Look your hand's reflection. If your hand looks like it's touching your hand, the mirror is normal. If there is some distance between your hand and the reflection, the mirror may be a two-way mirror. Knock on the mirror and surrounding areas to test for hollow sounds.

    Look and feel around the rims of lampshades. Take apart the lamp. Inspect the inside of the lamp for hidden spy devices.

    Inspect any plant and flower arrangements for devices.

    Search the room for unknown purses, packages, gym bags, backpacks, briefcases, cell phones, appliances or laptop computers. It is very easy for someone, especially in a public building, to "forget" an appliance that is able to listen to or watch you.

    Feel and look beneath furniture, shelves, within books and magazines, telephones, phone jacks, electrical outlet covers, light switch plates, along floor trim, under rugs, around door and window frames, and inside decorative objects for both cameras and listening devices.

    Listen to the noises of the room. Any electrical humming, buzzing, clicking or whirling sounds that cannot be explained should be tracked to the source.

Checking the Room with Spy Device Detectors


    Purchase a counter surveillance bug detector from a private investigator supply or an online surveillance equipment store. These devices can detect wireless cameras, listening devices, wearable surveillance equipment and even appliances hard-wired into a wall. Most detectors resemble a walkie-talkie or radio with an antenna.

    Unplug any electrical items. Turn off cell phones and wireless appliances, including Internet connections.

    Hold the bug detector in your hand. Turn on the equipment.

    Walk around the room, starting at the door and working along the walls. Many surveillance devices communicate with another device located elsewhere with radio frequencies, which the bug detectors then note. Hard-wired surveillance appliances emit low amounts of frequencies that can also be detected.

    Continue inspecting the room. The detector emits an electrical warning sound, often a beep, and/or a light when a suspect object is found. The sound or light signal will increase in speed the closer you are to the hidden spy device. Most detectors detect radio frequencies to within 30 feet.

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